Preschool peer model screening registration

Do you have a child age 3 to 5 within the Cloverleaf school district?

If so, your child may be eligible to attend the Cloverleaf preschool program!

Our preschool program is a special education preschool offering services for preschool-age students with disabilities, as well as a limited number of typically developing peer models.

All students in our preschool must first go through a screening process and receive admittance to attend, whether it be as a peer model student or a special services student. The Cloverleaf preschool program does not have unlimited enrollment. Students are admitted through the screening process and subsequent determination of eligibility by the Cloverleaf preschool team.

There are two ways to be admitted into the Cloverleaf preschool program:

1. Peer model student

Do you have a child between 3-5 years old that is able to separate easily from their parent, is fully potty-trained, able to clearly communicate with adults and peers, and is ready to take on four, 2.5-hour days of school each week? If so, register for the Peer Model Screening on March 7, 2025. Next, wait for results from the preschool team to determine if your child has been accepted as a peer model. We accept a limited number of students.

Peer Model Screening Registration (Please click HERE to register.)

2. Special services student

Do you have a child between the ages of 3-5 years old that has a delay in one or more specific areas?

  • Communication
  • Hearing
  • Vision
  • Motor Functioning
  • Emotional / Behavioral
  • Adaptive Behavior
  • Cognition

Deficiencies in these areas must have a negative impact on normal development and not be due only to environmental

If any of these areas are an area of concern, you can request an evaluation by contacting Preschool Specialist Rachel Connelly. If your child qualifies in the evaluation process, your child may be admitted to our preschool program, within our continuum of special education services, as a child with an identified disability.

For questions about either screening process, please contact Preschool Specialist Rachel Connelly at 330.302.0102 ext. 4604 or [email protected]

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